Off Da Beaten Path Learning is here to offer you CHOICE.
Mission: Off Da Beaten Path Learning empowers learners ages 5 and up to achieve their own self-identified goals through highly personalized 1-on-1 self-directed education guidance.
Vision: Off Da Beaten Path Learning offers highly personalized 1-on-1 education guidance. A small community of learners who meet regularly with an ODBP educator to progress toward their definition of success. Over the next years, our objective is to grow a small community of self-directed people, events, and products.
Our personalized approach is rooted in:
Self-directed education
Culturally responsive pedagogy
Trauma-informed practice
Social & emotional learning
Play-based education
Place-based education
Community education
History: Off Da Beaten Path Learning was born out of love and necessity in 2020. When a couple of former students reached out in need, Dom responded with 1-on-1 learning advising and mentorship. As time passed, she saw what it could become, and now here we are.
Acknowledgements from Dom:
ODBP would not have happened without the help of several friends, family, colleagues, and professionals — both individuals and organizations. A few names come to mind: Maria Garcia, Sarah Collins, Betty Newman, Tyte Griem, Roberto Castellanos, Ali Epperson, Abra Alahouzos, Steffen Nelson, Goddard College, Red Hook Initiative, and Dida Academy. Most of all, a big shout to my original two learners of Summer 2020. (And their parents, too!) To everyone who helped make this happen, THANK YOU. 🙏