Self-Directed & Successful: Richard Branson, Da Vinci, Madam C.J. Walker, and YOU
The cost of inaction is not always monetary, though it can be. The cost of doing nothing may be more time wasted. Or, returning to the earlier research, the cost may be mental anguish or pain.
I can only speak for myself, but for me personally, I credit self-directed education with saving my life.
If you’ve ever felt trapped by conventional systems, this is your reminder: you’re capable of crafting your future.
What is Neurodivergent Success with Self-Directed Education?
What is Neurodivergent Success with Self-Directed Education? “You can’t hit a target that you can’t see.” That is why I’m providing these example stories of success (and struggle). Generally, going to the beat of your own drum, going against the mainstream in any regard, is going to take more time, more effort, and more resilience.