Self-Directed & Successful: Richard Branson, Da Vinci, Madam C.J. Walker, and YOU
A virtual family meeting: 1-on-1 self-directed education looks different for everyone.
Do you ever feel stuck in a system that does not see your genius?
Lots of humans have faced this and currently deal with this reality. The greatest names in history: Leonardo Da Vinci, Madam C. J. Walker, Richard Branson—all experienced their truth not embraced. But they stayed true to themselves. They didn’t continue to try and fit into some arbitrary mold of what they “should” become. Wielding their true selves, all three of those people are now household names.
Sir Ken Robinson famously said school kills creativity. In the last two decades, youth suicides have been shown to rise during the academic school year. There is a now well-researched connection between school attendance and youth suicide. (Email for sources.) There is a range of negative impacts due to children not exercising their own agency and autonomy. From exhibiting anxiety to experiences with bullying to the worst possible permanent outcome, school is stagnating our youth and, with it, our global future.
Alternative education options are now on the come up. More and more, learners, families, and professionals alike are searching for authentic ways of making progress.
How can I get to my goal and do it in a way that feels true to myself?
🚀 Ready to explore what self-directed education can do for you or your learner? Book your FREE initial call today!
1-on-1 self-directed education is here for exactly that. Off Da Beaten Path Learning LLC is designed to empower in whatever way the learner needs. Whether that is a hand, a nudge, or a push, we match you with the right mentor for your path forward. We have a proven process of assessing learner needs to determine the exact right mentor or coach to facilitate self-directed success.
1-on-1 self-directed education is dedicated support that is both flexible and structured. Watch a short parent testimonial about this here. It is highly powerful work. It can last for 1 intensive day. Sometimes, learners choose to stay with their mentor for years. Sometimes, learners leave and then come back.
The question is: What is holding you back from paving YOUR path forward?
If a learner, family, or professional strategically decides they do not need Off Da Beaten Path support, I cheer on their choice. Ultimately, that is why Off Da Beaten Path Learning LLC exists—to empower through choice. If not receiving dedicated, personalized support is what is best for you at this time, then that is great you decided against it.
More often than not, however, their choice to walk away from Off Da Beaten Path Learning is weighed down in misinformed doubt. During these times, I blame myself for not accurately painting the picture of the impact. The pure power that comes from this work goes misunderstood, and the potential learner stays in their potential. It is unfortunate. So, I’m writing this blog post to practice my ability to articulate the immense value of this 1-on-1 self-directed education model.
🌟 Don’t let doubts hold you back. Take the first step to discover your potential. Let’s talk about how self-directed education could change your life.
I would like to correct some of the misinformed doubt that is out there.
Money. Off Da Beaten Path Learning LLC comes with a price tag. It is expensive. Fortunately for everyone, the value is greater than the cost. I have worked with learners who paid for long periods of time who saw amazing impact. Read more about our impact in the Founder’s Report, found here.
The question to ask yourself is: What will cost more? When we don’t bother to invest in ourselves or our families, we pay a greater price later on.
The cost of inaction is not always monetary, though it can be. The cost of doing nothing may be more time wasted. Or, returning to the earlier research, the cost may be mental anguish or pain.
I can only speak for myself, but for me personally, I credit self-directed education with saving my life. For 15 years, I experienced severe depression and suicidal ideation. After finding self-directed education, I have not felt that way since.
Importantly, if you have zero budget, please note the following: We do our best to find funding for interested learners and families who cannot afford to pay out of pocket at all. We work with families receiving scholarship funding. We can also attempt to secure grant funding.
If it’s something you want, if it’s what you know is best for you or your learner, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Time. Two important points to mention here.
#1 FLEXIBILITY. The number one aspect that learners and families seem to appreciate, besides the increased confidence they walk away with, is the flexibility of Off Da Beaten Path Learning. Doing your own thing means doing it on your time. That is why this program is designed to meet your needs, including with scheduling. So, if you need to reschedule or cancel, it is never a problem.
#2 COMMITMENT. Learners and clients also love how this program does not require a lot of time. Usually, learners only have 1-2 hours worth of mentor meetings per week.
An educator friend once asked me: “What can you do in 1 hour per week?” To which I smiled and said simply: “More than you can do in 8 hours a day.”
Remember, a week has 168 hours, so 1-2 hours of time is not a big commitment, especially considering the impact. If learners need more, they ask for it.
Again, I emphasize: this is self-directed. The learner decides what’s best, the educator helps them get there, and the team/family supports and remains informed and engaged.
For working professionals, we offer one-day intensive coaching. So far, one freelancer and one founder were able to take advantage of this offering. Both left five-star Google Reviews you can peruse if interested.
5-star Off Da Beaten Path Learning LLC review on Google.
💡 Why wait? Take control of your path today. Schedule a time to connect and explore your options! Email
Space. The space is up to the learner, and this flexibility is unfamiliar and often confusing to interested learners. Learners choose where they learn. Online, in-person, at home, at the museum or the library or the park, or on the phone. It is often a mixture. The environment may shift with shifting needs.
Energy. Being self-directed can be fun and the freedom is eternally wonderful, but sometimes it can also be a challenge.
Going off the beaten path is inherently more strenuous. You are digging and paving your own path forward instead of just walking on somebody else's already paved road. But it also feels better because you’re being true to yourself. The challenge is worthwhile, and we move only according to the learner.
This model has a 100% satisfaction rate precisely because it’s so different for everyone. Partially for this reason, this is a great model for neurodivergent and/or disabled learners. Read more about our impact in the Founder’s Report, found here.
60% of our learners identify as neurodivergent and/or disabled.
Mentor. The relationship with your mentor is quintessentially important. For this reason, we work very hard to assess the learner’s needs, strengths, and goals. We then use that information to find just the right 1-on-1 guide for them, with the right disposition and the right expertise for that specific learner. The match-making process is taken very seriously. We put together a profile of the mentor we find, share it with you, and move forward only upon approval from you, the learner.
Age. Let me unequivocally clear this up: This is for any learner at any age, from 5 years old and up. I worked with the mom of a special needs toddler. If you are alive, you are learning, but perhaps not in the best way and perhaps not what you need. Instead, you could benefit from dedicated 1-on-1 support. I am exploring direct 1-on-1 early childhood support as well, so please feel free to reach out to explore the possibility.
Self-directed education isn’t just for icons like Branson, Da Vinci, or Madam C.J. Walker—it’s for anyone ready to step off the beaten path and embrace their unique potential. If you’ve ever felt trapped by conventional systems, this is your reminder: you’re capable of crafting your future.
The question is not if you can do it; it’s when you’ll start.
🔥 Don’t just dream about making a change. Get started!